Mac Rae Ranch
November 15th 2020 Timelapse Progression
Skull Valley, Arizona
November 15th 2020 Video Time Lapse Flight
This video installment was shot in January of 2020 and November 15th of 2020. This video includes visuals from January to show how far the property has progressed. Also we made sure to get some good coverage of the trench work for the water system.
Ranch Still Photo Progression Slide Show November 15th 2020
Stills from January of 2020 and November 15th of 2020 are included in this series. You'll notice the progress immediately comparing January and November.
Each slide plays for 4 seconds. There are also arrows on the slide show if you'd like to move forward or backward in the presentation.
August and November Orthomosaics
The 2 dimensional image in the right column is a before and after Orthomosaic Model collected August and November of 2020. The November Orthomosiac includes a fair amount of new trench work for the watering systems.
You can use the slider in the center of the image to expose the full Orthomosaic for August or November 2020.