Drone Services From AZ Drone

Arizona Aerial Services from AZ Drone

Drones, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), UAS's (Unammaned Aerial Systems), or whatever else you'd like to call them are becoming commonplace these days.  For some drones open the doorway to being able to fly, for others they're a photographic platform, for some drones are a nuisance.  Wherever they fit in your mind, you'll be seeing more and more drones in the coming years.

For forward thinking business owners, drones can offer new solutions.  Safer work environments, reasonable aerial data collection prices, a new way to showcase your business, and a new way to expedite data collection.  The applications for UAVs haven't all been identified yet, and there will be growth in the drone industry for some time to come.

AZ Drone is here to help you identify activities that can help you increase your bottom line and provide new methods of doing business in your industry.

A simple UAV application example

The way wireless telecommunications companies are doing some of their business is changing.  Cell tower inspections have been dramatically changed by UAS data collection.  Where wireless companies used to have to send people up cell towers for inspections, drones are now changing things.  A drone can ascend a tower quicker, without risking a worker's safety climbing the tower and inspecting panels.  Drones can document the tower's status much faster, and with less risk to employees.  Liability issues, insurance issues, workman's comp claims are all being reduced thanks to drone aerial inspection services.  And this is one minor example in only one industry.  How can drones improve your bottom line?  Get in touch with AZ Drone to discuss your applications.

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Construction Services

  • Construction Site Inspections

    Keep track of your construction site with regular aerial inspections. Weekly fly overs, bi-monthly fly overs, or on larger projects monthly inspections.

  • Construction Progression Reports

    Regular aerial inspections can be combined into a time lapse of worksite progress. Show stakeholders the up to date status of your construction site, and also provide them with historical references to see overall jobsite progress.

  • Construction Site Data Collection

    With today's UAV systems images and GPS coordinates combine to offer incredible benefits. Volumetric Measurements can be performed with the same aerial data that generates progression reports and worksite imaging. Measurements can be created with surprising accuracy for the entire worksite, or for specific areas such as fill piles (where you can measure the volume of materials). Please Note: For property measurements AZ Drone does not interpret the data gathered. Only licensed land surveyors can interpret measurements and property lines.

  • Jobsite Modeling

    Aerial data collected for inspections, progression reports, and measurements can also be used to create an overall jobsite map. Both 2D and 3D modeling are readily available to give you a complete view of your entire construction site.

Aerial Inspections

  • Rooftop Inspections

    Rooftop inspections are labor intensive. Normally a two man team at least, needing to get onto the roof, and then conduct your inspection and measurements while keeping employee safety in mind. With today's UAV platforms these inspections can be conducted faster, and in a safer manner from the ground.

  • Solar Planning

    Like other rooftop inspections, with drone services rooftop inspections for Solar Installation can be conduted safely from the ground. Aerial Data processed can be quickly turned into 3D Models of the rooftops for Solar System Planning without risking any workplace injuries or additional liabilities.

  • Insurance Inspections

    With the natural disasters of 2017 Drone pilots have been in high demand. Surveying storm damage while keeping workers safely out of the damaged areas is just one example of how drones are helping the insurance industry

  • Property Inspections

    Aerial imaging and GIS information combine together to offer many possibilities for property inspections. Examine structure placement, elevation models, and structure imperfections with ease. Please Note: For property measurements AZ Drone does not interpret the data gathered. Only licensed land surveyors can interpret measurements and property lines.

Aerial Modeling

  • Business Maps

    Creating unique models of your resort property offers guests a view of your accomodations in a new and compelling format. RV Parks, Bed & Breakfasts, Motorlodges, and more. Let your guests see exactly where they'll be staying.

  • Planned Communities

    New real estate developments can now be shown off like never before. Generate 2D and 3D models of the new communities, structures and services. Offer residents a unique perspetive of their neighborhoods with 2D and 3D community models.

  • Vacant Land Modeling

    Vacant land can be modeled for real estate sales, construction planning, elevation modeling, and more. Land grids can be pre-programmed before flight to show off properties under an acre, or properties that encompass hundreds of acres at a time! Please Note: For property measurements AZ Drone does not interpret the data gathered. Only licensed land surveyors can interpret measurements and property lines.

  • 3D Modeling

    Whether it's a residential construction build, or a commercial property, 3D Models of your jobsite can be easily generated with today's drone technology. 3D modeling can also be used for inspection services as well, allowing you to inspect properties and structures in a way that's never been available before.

5 Days of Framing

RV Park Aerial and Ground

Commercial Marketing