Mac Rae Ranch
May 27th 2020 Timelapse Progression
Skull Valley, Arizona
May 27th 2020 Video Time Lapse Flight
This video installment was shot on January 18th and May 27th 2020. This flight path will be repeated as construction continues at the ranch, and the time lapse video will be updated after each flight. This is the seventh flight in our progression series.
The new barn is being assembled in this installment.
2 New Flight Paths
Ranch Still Photo Progression Slide May 27th 2020
This is the seventh collection of still images from the property shot on May 27th, 2020.
Only the stills from May 27th are included in this slideshow. At the end of the project we'll overlay the original images from the start of the project with the final set of time lapse images as well.
The images presented here have not been edited or enhanced in any fashion. If any image is of interest to you for print reproduction please let us know and we'll edit the file(s) for color quality and print.
Each slide plays for 4 seconds. There are also arrows on the slide show if you'd like to move forward or backward in the presentation.
April 14th And May 27th 2020 Orthomosaic
The 2 dimensional image in the right column is a before and after Orthomosaic Model collected on April 14th and May 27th of 2020. The image represents the new barn going up after the concrete pad was poured April 14th.
You can use the slider in the center of the image to expose the full Orthomosaic for April or May.