Real Estate Aerial Photography
Real Estate Drone Photography
When drones first hit the marketplace several years ago there was something of a mad dash in the Real Estate industry. Images that couldn’t be taken before for home listings were now available. Flyovers of property became common place, and images from on high started being seen on many high end realtor sites.
Flash forward to today, and what do you find in the Real Estate market place? Poor quality aerial images. Choppy videos, poor quality voice overs, audio that doesn’t fit the purpose of the videos. Summing up, the love affair with aerial photography for many realtors has changed.
Recently we got to watch a Real Estate marketing webcast. The speaker was explaining to an audience about images, video, and aerial photography for real estate listings. And the speaker pointed out, correctly, “even my kid has a drone now.” The point of the lecture was pretty clear. You can do your own drone photography & video yourself…….
Or can you?
FAA Part 107 Certified
In order to do any form of commercial work with a drone system, the pilot must have an FAA Part 107 Certification. The key word here is "commercial." While many people now own drones, the vast majority are hobbyists. Someone flying a drone as a hobby can photograph and shoot video all day long provided they are following FAA guidelines, rules, and airspace. But the moment their images are used for "the furtherance of a business," they must be 107 Certified.
So, if your friend down the road has a smart child at the top of their class who is really good with computer stuff and drones....that's not good enough. Even if they provide you with images from a property you're selling for free, the moment you use those images or a video you are engaging in a commercial activity.
The result? Potential fines and reprimand from the FAA. So, making sure you have a part 107 pilot isn't a suggestion, it's a must.
AZ Drone & RLC Design offer two Part 107 pilots in Northern Arizona. We understand the ins and outs of FAA requirements, and are a serious business concern. If you're interested in utilizing this new medium, whether with us or another group, don't cut corners, as the results can be costly to your business.